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About Me

Author: admin
Date: 12/27/2013 17:12:00


Hi.  My name is Joe Coutcher, and if you couldn't tell by the name of my site, I'm a .NET developer.

I’ve been writing software since I was 4 years old.  Started out on a Commodore VIC-20 (the wonder computer of the 1980’s), and ventured into the land of GWBASIC/QBASIC once we got our first x86 system.  I started learning C++ and assembly at age 10, then moved into CGI and Classic ASP programming in high school.

I was just starting out in college when the .NET Framework was introduced, and thanks to my university offering VisualStudio.NET Student Edition for $30, I started playing around with it.  I was immediately hooked.  And years down the road, once .NET Core came out, I fell in love all over again!

My usual go-to development stack/libraries when producing ASP.NET projects are the following:

In addition to .NET and web development, I’m decent with PHP, XML/XSLT/XSL-FO, Java, C++ and some Assembly.  I’ve also dabbled in Python and Prolog.

As for open source projects I’ve worked on: